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06 None but the lonely heart.mp3
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Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection, Special Collections

Description of Item Group Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

Subjects & Keywords

Other Items in this Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album Group

10 records from the group Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album. Displaying records 1 - 10.

03 Adagio.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

07 Serenata Del Gaucho.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

01 Cello's Prayer.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

05 Cavatina.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

09 Ave Maria.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

04 Fiesta Basca.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

08 Adagio for flute and organ.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

02 Echo Serenade.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

06 None but the lonely heart.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album

10 The March from Rosamunde.mp3, Special Collections, Ennio Bolognini Musical Score and Personal Papers Collection

Magic Sounds of Bolognini Album